Thursday, September 17, 2009


What a tremendously transitional time fall is! (Don’t worry for those of you checking in regularly, we will be returning to last week’s activity in a couple of weeks.) Many individuals I encounter have a really bumpy time of it… during September. I think this is due to several factors:
  • The kids (if you have them) are headed back to school, and the preparation of that is all consuming.. Not only is the preparation tough, but so is finding a new rhythm: getting them ready and off to school ON TIME each morning, then coordinating for any extracurricular activities; is carpooling used? A great help, an additional component; and a new social network as the kids make new friends, want new play dates or social engagements. And the whole family is affected by the search of a new rhythm.
  • Those who don’t have kids, still at one point in their lives also went to school, and I think this new fall rhythm also has a lingering impact: individuals wake up to the fact that it is not summer anymore and they actually have to get back to the business at hand. Many that I know have been a bit lackadaisical over the summer months and somehow recover consciousness to the fact that deadlines and quarterly quotas are part of their required existence. They too are seeking a new rhythm.
  • We even have a sort of planetary support in this, we are about to shift with the autumnal equinox: such an exquisite moment when all parts of the earth have equal day and night. I find the unity of that rather poetic. Even if you are not one who is terribly concerned with planetary encounters, the truth is that the Universe works in a Divine rhythm, so like or not, you don’t have to believe in it, it too will have a transition this fall. And the days will shorten and the cooler temperatures will set in.'

So, why does any of this matter? I find that once persons become aware that this is happening, they actually have an easier time of it. It may require little to no action on one’s part, but simply to notice, that “oh, yes a shift is required here.” I find that once I mentally and spiritually shift, I become much calmer, less frenetic about what needs to be done and when and how.

How do you transition?

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